With all the hullabaloo about the impact of intensive farming on waterways, the impact on birds has been overlooked. Millions of birds have been lost from New Zealand countryside over the past thirty odd years. Most of them were introduced birds so have not been missed but surely someone should have recognised that their loss indicated something had gone very wrong with farmland ecosystems. We have a survey on New Zealand’s backyard birds, initiated by Landcare Research, but no up to date information on the birds of the countryside. The only comprehensive data we have is from the Ornithological Society of New Zealand’s Atlas of Bird Distribution in New Zealand 1999-2004 which was published 2007. It was noted at its launch that the Waikato region had become a "bird desert" probably because of the dominance of dairy farming in the region. Birds have not, it seems, fared quite so badly on the less intensive meat and wool farm...
Writing about nature, particularly birdlife, in Greytown, New Zealand. With apologies to Aldo Leopold. rooks, corvus frugeligus